String Basics Book 2 - Viola

Product Description

String Basics™ Book 1 has been praised for the smooth transition from pizzicato to arco, the solid reinforcement of skills learned, the detailed attention to rhythm, and the fantastic selection of songs. Continuing with a strong and sound pedagogy featuring step-by-step sequences of instruction, Book 2 begins with a solid review in order for students to get a firm footing so that new concepts fall right into place. New note values, rhythm patterns, key signatures, finger patterns, and dynamics are introduced and reinforced with fantastic technical exercises, cultural music, and classical themes.

Edition Number: 116VA
ISBN 10 digit: 0849735068
ISBN 13 digit: 9780849735066
Level/Grade: 2
Media Type: Music Books
Instrument: Viola
Series: String Basics
Composer: Terry Shade

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